Christian Papaleontiou

Deputy Director, Tackling Exploitation and Abuse Unit, UK Home Office

Christian Papaleontiou picture edited

Christian Papaleontiou represents the UK on the WeProtect Global Alliance Board.

Christian Papaleontiou has been Deputy Director for the Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Unit in the UK Government Home Office since 2018. Christian leads the team responsible for UK Government policy on tackling all forms of child sexual exploitation and abuse, which is underpinned by the UK’s Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy (2021), working closely with relevant government departments and stakeholders domestically and internationally to combat this crime.

Christian also currently chairs the Safe Online Steering Committee and is engaged in other international forums on tackling child sexual abuse.

Before his role in the Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Unit, Christian headed up the Public Protection Unit leading on violence against women and girls issues. Christian has been a career public servant for twenty years.