Annual review 2023

WeProtect Global Alliance – Report

December 20, 2023

Another year comes to an end, offering us the time to reflect on our work and impact across the year. 2023 saw us publish our flagship biannual Global Threat Assessment, shedding light on emerging trends and threats around child sexual abuse online, and informing the global response to tackle it.

During the year we welcomed 17 new members, bringing our total membership to 276 organisations. We also developed a new three-year strategy, structuring our work around four key pillars: collaboration, knowledge, empowerment and advocacy. We also published research on parents’ perceptions of their children’s exposure to online sexual harmschildren’s perceptions of safety and risks online and estimates of childhood exposure to online harms in Europe.

In the words of our Executive Director Iain Drennan: “Our work during the year continued to make the case for a coordinated global response as the most efficient and effective way to end child sexual abuse online…by supporting our members to achieve more together than they could alone.”

We would like to thank our members, supporters, partners, funders, children and survivors who have helped shape, influence and drive work during the year. Together, we will continue to turn the tide and create a digital world designed to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse.