Working examples of WPGA Model National Response – capabilities and implementation

Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, UNICEF, WeProtect Global Alliance – Report
As an initiative interested in hearing from our membership base, we surveyed our WePROTECT Global Alliance country members at the end of 2017 to learn about their progress towards implementing the MNR. As a part of this process, we also sought feedback from our members on what more the initiative could do to support countries to build their own responses to online CSEA.
From the responses we received, it became clear that two of the main challenges countries faced in building their
national responses included an understanding of their own countries’ unique vulnerabilities to the threat at the national level, and an understanding of ‘what works’ in tackling the threat. Most of the countries that responded to the survey asked us to share best practices to help inspire our membership and share learning.
To this end, we have produced this booklet as the first of its kind to illustrate some of the steps that countries and organizations have taken to help address the issue of online CSEA.
Page last updated on 15th January 2021