
Survey carried out by WeProtect Global Alliance and the Technology Coalition
A survey of industry members to understand the scope of activities by technology companies to combat the issue of child sexual abuse online. 32 companies responded, ranging from less than 250 employees to more than 5,000.
Many of the companies surveyed have capabilities to detect child sexual abuse and exploitation online, and reporting mechanisms. But there are opportunities to enhance collaboration and focus more on deterrence and prevention.
While most companies that responded to the survey use tools to detect child sexual abuse material (87% use image ‘hash-matching’), only 37% currently use tools to detect online grooming. This suggests that a significant proportion of such activity may be going undetected.
Read the full report
Key findings from this global survey can also be found within the Global Threat Assessment 2021, alongside examples of how Alliance members are addressing these issues. The report also provides recommendations for how we can work together to deliver the step change in the global response required to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse online.